What We do

New Kakinga millers deals in maize milling. The company directly works with farmers through its agency system model. New Kakinga millers focuses on the entire maize value chain with a detail to keep quality that is required by the world market. We also sell the bi-product (maize bran) locally to animal and chicken farmers.

We are nothing without the quality we provide. Everyday, we check to ensure that we are improving our products.

Daily Focus

  • High Quality Products

    Producing high quality products that exceed the client expectation and match the national standards set by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards.

  • Client Satisfaction

    We aim to please and exceed the needs of clients. Our goal in our production and service delivery is primarily client satisfaction.

  • Best Brand

    We have strived to be the best brand and we intend to continue improving our products to ensure that we retain the standards we have achieved.